Unconventional Thinking As Act of Rebellion

If we are going to pioneer original work, we have to be willing to reject conventional thinking and forge new mental paths on our own. Let’s unpack this by first exploring conventional thinking. One day, XYZ Corporation announces it has positive earnings and its stock price goes up. The news headline claims, “The stock price … Read more

Lateral Thinking 

There once was a man who was a merchant and father of a teenage daughter. Through a series of mishaps, he found himself unable to pay his debt to a money lender. The money lender proposed a bargain: he would pick up two stones from the stone path, a black one and a white one, … Read more

Convergent Linking

In our last post we discussed divergent thinking, which is the thought process used to generate many ideas related to a subject in a short amount of time. Quantity is key. The goal is to create as many ideas as possible, regardless of whether they are any good or not. Then, after we have created … Read more

Divergent Linking

“The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas.” – Linus Pauling A great tool for making links is divergent thinking. Divergent thinking is a thought process used to generate many ideas related to a subject in a short amount of time. By exploring an anything-goes attitude to the subject, we … Read more

Survival of the Slinkest

Our story begins three million years ago in patch of African lowlands where a monkey-like hominid named Lucy is scurrying away from her hominid companion. There were 3 signs that her companion was not having a good day. 1) the insects he ate for breakfast were upsetting his digestion, 2) an annoying splinter was still … Read more