The Power of Reciprocity

When two elements join together to propagate something new, there exists a certain reciprocity in the relationship. The term reciprocity speaks to the way they interact and the way they influence each other. You can see examples of reciprocal relationships everywhere in the natural world. Take the reciprocal relationship among bees and flowers. Bees visit … Read more

Changing Scope, Changing Scale

There is a riddle that asks how a prisoner could escape over a high wall without leaving any evidence. How could he pull it off? The name of the riddle reveals how. It is called the Ice Block Wall Escape. The prisoner freezes water to form an ice block, stands on the ice to climb … Read more

Murder Your Darlings

An essential step in developing good ideas is discarding bad ones. The writers’ vivid expression “Murder your darlings” suggests that even your favorite ideas should be trashed if they don’t advance your project. You might have meticulously crafted the most inspiring characters, juicy plot lines, and pithy phrases since the Bard of Avon himself, but … Read more